Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Kate “Robin” Mertes, class of 1978

1837 is a big, nice, pleasant place, it’s just newly built but somebody who lived there in ’67, I think was anorexic. She wouldn’t eat and she just got skinnier and skinnier and skinnier and she didn’t have very many friends. She was supposed to go away one weekend so nobody saw her in the hall for three day, and they figured, well that’s reasonable. And they didn’t see her Monday, and you know, since nobody was really good friends with her and they didn’t know when she was going to be back, they figured, oh well, maybe she missed her bus and she stayed.

About Tuesday people were beginning to wonder just what happened to this kid. And by that Thursday they were really sort of worried because nobody had seen her and her Head Resident finally got the key and opened up the door, and she’d starved herself to death. She’d just lain down on the bed and died. And supposedly – she’d had a single – they sealed off the room for awhile. They didn’t let anybody live there for two or three years. She haunts the fifth floor of 1837.

I was told this by a friend of mine and she’d supposed to be very wraith-looking. She supposedly wanders around the halls a lot and she comes usually during exam time, and she wanders up and down the halls, and she wanders into the bathrooms sometimes and stands and looks around. And apparently keeps going back into that room. They’re using that room now, I think.


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